
Charitable Giving   

The nightly news seems to bombard society with negative stories time and again. Believe it or not, there is a whole lot of good going on in the world, including charitable gifting. There are several strategies that can be effective for donors to help bring their philanthropic desires to fruition. As a firm, we strategize with our clients and donors on the following: 

  • Manage Charitable Remainder Trusts 

  • Manage Family Foundations 

  • Manage Non-Profit investment accounts 

  • Facilitate the sale of appreciated securities such as stocks, mutual funds or ETF’s

  • Make distributions to designated charities per client instruction

  • Educate clients on how they can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from their IRA in a tax-advantaged way.  

For many, gifting is the highlight of their year. By utilizing effective gifting strategies, clients can enjoy the pleasure of giving and in most cases, avoid paying taxes. 

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